Nridfspd; fh;j;jh; ey;ytNu

(Key D major)


Nridfspd; fh;j;jh; ey;ytNu

Em A7 D

Nrjkpd;wp ek;ik fhg;gtNu

D Em

Nrhh;e;jpLk; Ntisfs; Njw;wpKk; thf;Ffs;

G A7 Em D

Nrhjid ntd;wpl je;jUs;thh;



vf;fhyj;Jk; ek;gpLNthk;

G A A7

jpf;fw;w kf;fspd; kiwtplk;

D7 D Em

gf;f gyk; ghJfhg;Gk;

G A7 Em D

,f;fl;by; ,NaRNt milf;fyk;


nts;sq;fs; Guz;L NkhjpdhYk; cs;sj;jpd; cWjp mirahNj Voklq;F neUg;gpd; eLtpYk; VR ek;Nkhlq;F elf;fpwhh;
Moj;jpdpd;Wk; ehk; $g;gpLNthk; Mjhukha; te;J jg;Gtpg;ghh; fg;gypd; gpd;dzp epj;jpiu nra;jpLk; fh;j;jh; ek;NkhLz;L ftiy Vd;
fhj;jpUe;J ngyd; ngw;wpLNthk; fh;j;jhpdl mw;Gjk; fz;bLNthk; [PtdhdhYk; kuzkhzYk; ek; Njtdpd; md;gpy; epiyj;jpLNthk;
VR ek; Aj;jq;fs; elj;Jthh; Vw;wpLNthk; vd;Wk; n[af;nfhb ahitAk; n[apj;J thdj;jpy; gwe;J Vrit re;jpj;J Mde;jpg;Nghk;

Notation is done by Bro. Ravi (Keyboard) from Sri Lanka

Do you want to involve in this Gospel Guitar ministry? Email me the songs with Chord notation as word document to publish with your e-mail address.

This is not the final notation

By Theo Constantine