nja;tPf $lhuNk..

(Key F Major)


nja;tPf $lhuNk - vd;


Njtdpd; re;epjpNa

C Bb

Njb Xb te;Njhk;

C Bb F

Njtpl;lhj ghf;fpaNk

Bb C

kfpik kfpik khl;rpik

Bb F

khw vd; NerUf;Nf

Bb C

kfpik kfpik khl;rpik

Bb F

khw vd; NerUf;Nf


fy;thhp jpUg;gPlNk

fiw Nghf;Fk; jpU ,uj;jNk

capUs;s ghpRj;j [Pt gypahf

xg;Gf; nfhLj;Njhk; Iah


<Nrhg;Gy;yhy; fOTk; ,d;Nw Rj;jkhNthk; ciwfpd;w gdpNghy ntz;ikahNthk; Iah ck; jpUthh;j;ijapdhy; mg;gh ck; r%fj;jpd; mg;gq;fs; ehq;fs; Iah vg;NghJk; ck; jpUg;ghjkl mkh;e;jpl Vq;fpj; jtpf;fpd;Nwhk; cyfj;jpd; ntspr;fk; ehq;fs; ckf;fha; Rlh; tpLNthk; Mde;j ijyj;jhy; mgpN~fpAk; Iah Mdy; %l;b vhpa tpLk; J}gkha; eWkzkha; Jjpfis nrYj;JfpNwhk; Ve;ehSk; vg;NghJk; vy;yh n[gj;NjhLk; Mtpapy; n[gpf;fpd;Nwhk; [PtDs;s GjpA khh;f;fk; je;jPh; Iah khf ghpRj;j $lhuj;jpw;Fs;Ns kfpikapy; Eiofpd;Nwhk;


Do you want to involve in this Gospel Guitar ministry? Email me the songs with Chord notation as word document to publish with your e-mail address.

This is not the final notation

By Theo Constantine